year 2024 next step - jTerminal™, jEkep™, jHarvest™, jFleet™
2024 is the next stage of development of the product line created in the jpalio™ technology. Since 2015, we have been developing three key products: the jHIS™ system, the jERP™ system and the jCAMBRIDGE™ system - now they will be joined by mobile applications, extending their basic functionalities .
From 2020, every system created using our technology is integrated with our new jTerminal™ product - it is also possible to integrate older jPALIO™ systems with the jTERMINLA™ mobile interface. After years of building tools and semi-finished products, it's time to create solutions for end users of new technologies. The current version jPALIO 8.0 should have its successor within a year - this is the next step on our development path. a Polish product with functionality far ahead of products created in the world must gain the trust of the end user because it is he who decides which technology he is not afraid of and which technology let him down because it was only expensive, Western and well known.